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2021-07-14 | 希平方

【多益高分達人】in addition 和 in addition to 差別在哪裡? - 希平方學英文

你知道 in addition 和 in addition to 的差別在哪裡嗎?多一個 to 用法差很大!而且它們和 apart from、besides…等等又有什麼不同呢?先來看看以下這個朋友間的小對話,想想空格該填哪一個,再繼續往下找解答喔!

A: I'm thinking about signing up for one of the English conversation courses at World Language Center.

B: Cool. What made you want to start learning English again? Do you need it at work?

A: Well, not really. You know how much I love traveling, making friends with people from other countries, and getting to know different cultures. Last month when I was in Germany, I was trying to chat with a British girl, but she couldn't understand me well, which got me so frustrated.

B: I see. ________ classes at a language school, you can also check out this English learning app called "Gong Qi Bu Bei." My sister said it's pretty helpful if you want to improve your English listening and speaking.

(A) In addition

(B) Apart from

(C) If only

(D) Whether

【多益高分達人】in addition 和 in addition to 差別在哪裡? - 希平方學英文


正解:(B) Apart from

A: I'm thinking about signing up for one of the English conversation courses at World Language Center.


B: Cool. What made you want to start learning English again?


Do you need it at work?


A: Well, not really. You know how much I love traveling, making friends with people from other countries, and getting to know different cultures.


Last month when I was in Germany, I was trying to chat with a British girl, but she couldn't understand me well, which got me so frustrated.


B: I see.Apart fromclasses at a language school, you can also check out this English learning app called "Gong Qi Bu Bei."

(了解。除了實體課程,你也可以看看這個叫做「攻其不背」的英文學習 app。)

My sister said it's pretty helpful if you want to improve your English listening and speaking.


► 好文推薦:不想再死背英文?五個學習秘訣,讓你單字力 Up Up!

【多益高分達人】in addition 和 in addition to 差別在哪裡? - 希平方學英文


(A) In addition

In addition 是副詞「而且」,可以等於 additionally、besides。舉個例子:

This package offers unlimited data for the first year.In addition, the first 10 minutes of calls made to a landline are free.

(這個方案提供第一年上網吃到飽。而且,每通市話的前 10 分鐘都是免費的。)

補充一下,「in addition to + 名詞」則是「除了...(還...)」的意思,可以等於 apart from、besides。舉個例子:

In addition toEnglish, she is also learning Japanese.


所以若選項 (A) 後面加個 to,就會變成正確答案囉:

In addition toclasses at a language school, you can also check out this English learning app...

(B) Apart from

正解!「Apart from + 名詞」是「除了....」。再舉個例子:

Apart fromthe UK, they also visited Iceland and France.


想要更了解 apart from,可以參考:Apart from、Except、Besides 都是「除了」,哪裡不一樣?

► 熱門文章:你跟我一樣「很多英文問題,卻不敢發問」?這個學習方式一定適合你!

【多益高分達人】in addition 和 in addition to 差別在哪裡? - 希平方學英文

(C) If only

「If only + 主詞 + 動詞...」是「要是某件不太可能發生的事能發生,該有多好啊」的句型,能呈現強烈的「懊悔、覺得可惜」語氣,和 If、only 原本的意思完全無關聯喔!例如:

If onlyIcouldswim too!


→ 事實是我現在不會游泳

If onlyIhad takenyour advice!


→ 事實是我當初沒有採用你的建議

要注意的地方是,因為要呈現「和現在事實相反」與「和過去事實相反」的語氣,動詞通常會分別用「過去式」與「過去完成式」。像上述例句中的動詞就用了過去式 could、過去完成式 had taken。



「假設語氣」懶人包!6 個實用句型,立馬學會!

(D) Whether

Whether 是連接詞「是否」,句型是「whether + 主詞 + 動詞...」,可以等於 if。例如:

Amy just asked mewhetherI was interested in working on this project with her.

(Amy 剛問我是否我有興趣和她一起做這個案子。)

= Amy just asked me if I was interested in working on this project with her.

另外,「whether A or B」還有「無論 A 還是 B」的意思。例如:

It doesn't matterwhetherwe go by trainorby bus. The ticket prices and the amount of time we'll spend are almost the same.



-signup for(動詞片語)報名

- at work(介係詞片語)在工作時


- get to(動詞片語)有機會做某事



-check out(動詞片語)看一看、了解一下



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