2024-01-25 | iCook 愛料理
Boneless chicken thigh in Sukiyaki Sauce又香又好吃,簡單又快速,單吃或配飯、配麵、帶便當都適合,只要雞皮煎的香,就超好吃喔~
步驟 1:去骨雞腿洗淨擦乾,用醃料抓勻靜置5分鐘;蔥洗淨擦乾,切蔥花,洋蔥切絲,蒜切末chicken washed & use kitchen towel remove water, put a bit salt, blackpepper & paprika, marinade for 5 minutes.
步驟 2:後續調味就用一湯匙市售的壽喜燒醬汁就可以;Chopped onions and Mince two piece of garlic & spring onions.
步驟 3:平底鍋放少少的油,雞皮朝下,中大火煎到雞皮金黃(約需3-4分鐘);Hot pan a little oil, chicken skin side down cook till golden brown,
步驟 4:邊煎就會邊出油喔~煎到像這樣金黃就可以翻面續煎;turn it over cook till has some color, then move it out.
步驟 5:另一面也煎上色取出切塊,同時把洋蔥絲和蒜末放入鍋中,小火拌炒,然後將雞腿排一塊切成4小塊或6小塊,把雞皮朝下切才好切;Put the garlic and onion in the pan stir fry till has aroma. Chopped the chicken to pieces.
步驟 6:切好的雞腿塊回鍋拌炒到全熟;Chicken back in the pan, stir fried to mix with garlic and onion.
步驟 7:倒入壽喜燒醬汁中火炒勻,試吃微調;Then put a soup spoon of sauce, mix it well, taste it and adjust with sauce.
步驟 8:撒入蔥花,拌炒出香氣後即可。Spring onion in. Done.
也可自調壽喜燒醬:清酒或米酒30cc、味醂30cc、醬油30cc、砂糖10g 。
台灣最大料理生活平台 iCook 愛料理,給你滿滿料理靈感!立即加入 iCook LINE 官方帳號
Boneless chicken thigh in Sukiyaki Sauce又香又好吃,簡單又快速,單吃或配飯、配麵、帶便當都適合,只要雞皮煎的香,就超好吃喔~
- 去骨雞腿, 500克
- 洋蔥Onion, 0.5顆
- 蒜頭Garlic, 2瓣
- 蔥Spring onion, 1根
- 醃料Marinade
- 鹽Salt, 1茶匙
- 黑胡椒粉Black paper, 少許
- 紅椒粉Paprika, 1茶匙
- 米酒Rice wine, 0.5湯匙
- 調味料Sauce
- 壽喜燒醬Sukiyaki, 1湯匙
步驟 1:去骨雞腿洗淨擦乾,用醃料抓勻靜置5分鐘;蔥洗淨擦乾,切蔥花,洋蔥切絲,蒜切末chicken washed & use kitchen towel remove water, put a bit salt, blackpepper & paprika, marinade for 5 minutes.
步驟 2:後續調味就用一湯匙市售的壽喜燒醬汁就可以;Chopped onions and Mince two piece of garlic & spring onions.
步驟 3:平底鍋放少少的油,雞皮朝下,中大火煎到雞皮金黃(約需3-4分鐘);Hot pan a little oil, chicken skin side down cook till golden brown,
步驟 4:邊煎就會邊出油喔~煎到像這樣金黃就可以翻面續煎;turn it over cook till has some color, then move it out.
步驟 5:另一面也煎上色取出切塊,同時把洋蔥絲和蒜末放入鍋中,小火拌炒,然後將雞腿排一塊切成4小塊或6小塊,把雞皮朝下切才好切;Put the garlic and onion in the pan stir fry till has aroma. Chopped the chicken to pieces.
步驟 6:切好的雞腿塊回鍋拌炒到全熟;Chicken back in the pan, stir fried to mix with garlic and onion.
步驟 7:倒入壽喜燒醬汁中火炒勻,試吃微調;Then put a soup spoon of sauce, mix it well, taste it and adjust with sauce.
步驟 8:撒入蔥花,拌炒出香氣後即可。Spring onion in. Done.
也可自調壽喜燒醬:清酒或米酒30cc、味醂30cc、醬油30cc、砂糖10g 。
台灣最大料理生活平台 iCook 愛料理,給你滿滿料理靈感!立即加入 iCook LINE 官方帳號
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