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2024-12-16 | 中央社

2024年僑務委員會海外青年臺灣觀摩團 (第八梯次南半球地區) 南半球地區海外青年來臺觀摩體驗臺灣文化

2024年僑務委員會海外青年臺灣觀摩團(第八梯次南半球地區) 南半球地區海外青年來臺觀摩體驗臺灣文化

(中央社訊息服務20241216 09:31:26)由僑務委員會主辦的海外青年臺灣觀摩團,將於12月16日至12月29日安排來自南半球地區的海外青年參加為期14天的臺灣體驗交流活動,此梯次共計來自7個國家共98位海外青年報名,本次活動旨在加深南半球地區僑胞對臺灣的了解,促進跨國青年之間的交流與合作,進行深度交流、探索臺灣。The Overseas Youth Taiwan Study Tour organized by the Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C(Taiwan),will arrange for overseas youths from the Southern Hemisphere to participate in the 14-day Taiwan Experience and Exchange Activity from December 16 to December 29. A total of 98 overseas young compatriots from 7 countries have signed up for this session. This activity aims to deepen the oversea compatriots' from the Southern Hemisphere understanding of Taiwan, to promote exchanges and cooperation among youths from other countries, and to carry out in-depth exchanges and exploration of Taiwan.

在本次觀摩之旅中,僑務委員會為能深化海外青年對臺灣文化的認識,特別規劃安排國情簡介、政經建設、人文景觀、自然生態、在地多元文化、自媒體行銷、青年交流等活動,讓團員近距離感受臺灣的文化、歷史和社會發展,促進臺灣與南半球地區僑界之間的友好交流。In this observation trip, the Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C(Taiwan) in order to deepen the overseas young people's understanding of Taiwan's culture, especially planning and arranging the introduction of the country, political and economic construction, cultural landscape, natural ecology, local multiculturalism, self-media marketing, youth exchanges and other activities, so that members of the delegation to experience Taiwan's culture, history and social development, and to promote friendly exchanges between the overseas Chinese community in the region of Taiwan and the Southern Hemisphere.海外臺灣青年觀摩團是一次重要的跨國交流文化活動,將為南半球地區青年代表提供一個難忘的臺灣之行。僑務委員會期待參加學員在臺灣之行中收穫豐富,並為未來的跨國交流與合作搭建更多的橋樑,並歡迎大家來臺就學。
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