2021-07-28 | 希平方
【NG 英文】『請你 summary 一下』竟然是錯誤說法! - 希平方學英文
在職場中,最容易聽到主管、同事中英夾雜講一些術語,什麼 schedule、delay、presentation 啦,這些詞最容易被拿來穿插在中文句子裡面,聽久了是不是很煩(還是大家也會這樣講)?為了讓大家烙英文時不要出糗,今天就來教大家一個大家很愛用卻用錯的字:summary!一起往下看吧!
今天開會之後,新來的主管 Shawn 對 Jackie 說:「Jackie,請你 summary 一下今天的會議重點。」Jackie 卻一頭霧水,summary?這句話到底英文該怎麼說才對?
破解 NG 英文
大家很喜歡講「summary 一下」,其實這樣詞性用錯了喔!因為summary這個字是名詞,而非動詞,可以指「總結、概要、摘要」,例如:
You can find the summary of this novel on the Internet if you don’t have time to read it.(如果你沒空讀這本小說的話,網路上有內容摘要。)
In summary, we need to come up with some strategies to promote our new product.(總結來說,我們得想一些策略來推廣我們的新產品。)
The host made a summary of the speech that the keynote speaker just gave.(主持人為剛剛主講人的演講做了概要統整。)
那不能用名詞 summary,到底要用哪個單字才對呢?要運用動詞summarize喔,意思是「做總結、概括、概述」。回到情境對話,這句話應該要這樣講才對:
Jackie, pleasesummarizethe main points of the meeting.(Jackie,請你統整概述一下今天的會議重點。)
Rather than giving a solution, the supervisor only summarized our opinions and asked us to come up with a final answer.(主管沒有提出解決方法,只有總結我們的意見,並叫我們想出一個最終答案。)
Mr. Smith has studentssummarizedifferent chapters in the novel every week, hoping that they can digest the whole story.(Smith 先生要學生每週概述小說不同章節的內容,他希望學生們能消化並理解整個故事。)
To summarize, we believe that there are still several aspects that the new company needs to work on, opportunities for advancement, for example.(總結來說,我們認為這間新公司還有一些方面需要改善,例如升遷機會。)
看完之後,大家都理解了嗎?「summary 一下」其實是錯的,硬要中英夾雜的話,應該要說「summarize 一下」,但還是建議大家練習整句都講英文啦!我們下次再見囉,祝福大家擺脫各種NG 英文!
2.【NG 英文】工程師必看:『慘了,被 highlight 了』竟然是錯的?正確英文到底該怎麼講?
今天開會之後,新來的主管 Shawn 對 Jackie 說:「Jackie,請你 summary 一下今天的會議重點。」Jackie 卻一頭霧水,summary?這句話到底英文該怎麼說才對?
破解 NG 英文
大家很喜歡講「summary 一下」,其實這樣詞性用錯了喔!因為summary這個字是名詞,而非動詞,可以指「總結、概要、摘要」,例如:
You can find the summary of this novel on the Internet if you don’t have time to read it.(如果你沒空讀這本小說的話,網路上有內容摘要。)
In summary, we need to come up with some strategies to promote our new product.(總結來說,我們得想一些策略來推廣我們的新產品。)
The host made a summary of the speech that the keynote speaker just gave.(主持人為剛剛主講人的演講做了概要統整。)
那不能用名詞 summary,到底要用哪個單字才對呢?要運用動詞summarize喔,意思是「做總結、概括、概述」。回到情境對話,這句話應該要這樣講才對:
Jackie, pleasesummarizethe main points of the meeting.(Jackie,請你統整概述一下今天的會議重點。)
Rather than giving a solution, the supervisor only summarized our opinions and asked us to come up with a final answer.(主管沒有提出解決方法,只有總結我們的意見,並叫我們想出一個最終答案。)
Mr. Smith has studentssummarizedifferent chapters in the novel every week, hoping that they can digest the whole story.(Smith 先生要學生每週概述小說不同章節的內容,他希望學生們能消化並理解整個故事。)
To summarize, we believe that there are still several aspects that the new company needs to work on, opportunities for advancement, for example.(總結來說,我們認為這間新公司還有一些方面需要改善,例如升遷機會。)
看完之後,大家都理解了嗎?「summary 一下」其實是錯的,硬要中英夾雜的話,應該要說「summarize 一下」,但還是建議大家練習整句都講英文啦!我們下次再見囉,祝福大家擺脫各種NG 英文!
2.【NG 英文】工程師必看:『慘了,被 highlight 了』竟然是錯的?正確英文到底該怎麼講?
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